
Check under the View menu in the register.  Specifically the Filter
By... submenu.  You might have a limit to the number of transactions to
display, or a limit on the date-range to display.


Alex via gnucash-user <gnucash-user@gnucash.org> writes:

> Just noticed after upgrading to 2.6.20 the following
> In account view the transactions are no longer ordered in "Date
> Posted" ascending order. In fact there appears to be no sorted
> order. I'm expecting transactions going back to April 2015 and I do
> see at least one transaction going back that far on the first
> screen. I've observed this in two account views - there may be more.
> As the transactions were in random date order. I elected to sort the
> account view back into ascending date order.
> After which all transactions before 02/06/2017 "appear" to have gone
> missing. Including the transaction in 2015 that I observed earlier.
> I then did Reports -> Account Report. All the missing transactions
> were present.
> The earliest transaction I could see in account view was
> 02/06/2017. Nothing earlier. Scroll bar at top, I could scroll down
> about 6 times.
> I clicked on this earliest transaction I could see  and amazingly the
> scroll bar moved down and the earliest transaction was now
> 17/02/2017. I repeated this "Work around" several times until I got
> back to my earliest date that I was expecting which was an Opening
> Balance on 31/03/2015.
> Then I noticed that the latest transaction was now 11/03/2016, I knew
> I had transactions and already seen in this session transactions dated
> upto 06/04/2018. Where have they gone?
> I clicked on the latest transaction and amazingly the scroll bar moved
> up and the latest transaction was now 24/06/2016.
> What appears to be happening is that
> I can scroll about 6 screens. But within those 6 screens gnucash has
> filtered transactions to within a certain date range. The overlapping
> date ranges I'm seeing are
> 31/03/2015  through  11/03/2016
> 21/08/2015  through  24/06/2016
> 27/11/2015  through  07/10/2016
> 11/03/2016  through  20/01/2017
> 24/06/2016  through  05/05/2017
> 07/10/2016  through  18/08/2017
> 20/01/2017  through  11/12/2017
> 05/05/2017  through  16/03/2018
> 02/06/2017  through  06/04/2018
> This appears to be happening on accounts where there are lots of
> transactions. I've been using gnucash since 2011 and this is the first
> time I've observed this behaviour.
> Have I missed the announcement about this new feature?
> Has it always been a feature and I've failed to notice it before?
> Is it a feature that I've stumbled across and switched it on without
> noticing?
> Any guidance will be greatly received.
> Alex
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
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