Thanks for your comments. As I mentioned to Adrien, I don't think I'm going to 
charge off and start developing my own gnuCash queries using any tool. We are 
going to just use it out of the box and develop work-arrounds where necessary/
We are still learn the application but so far really like it.
Thanks again for the help.

    On Thursday, February 22, 2018, 10:31:02 AM EST, Derek Atkins 
<> wrote:  

Fran_3 via gnucash-user <> writes:

>  Re: Converting to MySQL...
> When I develop in MySQL on Windows I install IIS localhost server and 
> MySQL... but that is not practical on other office computers.
> 1 - I'm not familiar with sqLite but a quick Google makes me think it is a 
> way to run MySQL on a local PC without running server software like IIS... 
> right?
> 2 - Or is sqLite a desktop version of MySQL that requires no server?
> 3 - Also, it looks like PieCash is a collection of Python programs... right?
> 4 - And if so then you simply have to have the Python interrupter installed 
> on your machine and then run the appropriate PieCash program after editing in 
> the name and path to the gnuCash file... right?
> Thanks again Adrien.
> Fran3

SQLite is not MySQL.  And MySQL is not IIS.

SQLite is a software library than implements a SQL-based DB within a
local file.  So from a USER'S perspective, you get a single file (just
like you get a single file with the current XML backend).  However
internally the data is stored and accessed like a SQL datastore.

Down the road, I expect SQLite to become the "default" storage
mechanism, because you get all the benefits of SQL (save-on-commit, etc)
without the drawbacks of requiring a DBA or running server that you need
to configure.

For #3/#4, yes, PieCash is a python library that re-implements a bunch of
gnucash functionality.  Note that it does NOT use the GnuCash API, so
it's quite possible that using PieCash could destroy your data.  YMMV.
You are safe using it for read-only purposes.

The GnuCash developers always say that the only supported means to
manipulate your GnuCash data is via the GnuCash API.

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      Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
      Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
      URL:   PP-ASEL-IA    N1NWH                        PGP key available
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