
What is the current status on the File Association feature set? I know that 
there was a wave of activity a few years back when the feature was first added, 
but I haven’t seen anything about it since. My recollection of the traffic at 
the time was that it had potential to be very useful, but that after the 
initial basic implementation, additional work to enhance its utility was 

As far as I can tell, there is nothing in the documentation about file 
associations, either. At the very least, it would be good to have some kind of 
state-of-the-feature information put out there somewhere, maybe on the wiki, if 
the feature isn’t yet ready for general use.


> On Jan 22, 2018, at 8:59 PM, Geert Janssens <> 
> wrote:
> Op maandag 22 januari 2018 01:03:19 CET schreef Mark Hedges:
>> Hi.  I view my checking account ledger in Basic Ledger mode.  I choose
>> View > Double Line View.  This opens up the "Notes" line for each
>> entry, which is helpful.
>> It also shows an "Action" field underneath the "Num" field.  Where is
>> this described in the manual?  What is the purpose of the Action
>> field?
>> On that note what is the purpose of the Num field?  To enter check numbers?
>> It also has R and A fields.  "R" field is automatically filled with
>> "n" for each transaction.  "A" field is blank.  What are these for?
> The "A" column indicates whether a file or url is associated with this 
> transaction line. "A" hence stands for "Association". It can be empty if 
> there 
> is no association, "f" for a file association or "u" for url (I didn't verify 
> the last one).
> Geert
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