I forgot to mention the multi-column report.

You could set up a multi-column report with the Income Statement in one column, 
and in the other a Balance Sheet and/or a special Cash Flow report showing just 
the money movements into/out of your asset/liability accounts.

Save this as a customized configuration and you can run it again for any 
period. You’ll get all your info on one report.


> On Jan 9, 2018, at 12:40 PM, Tj Junior <tjjunior...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wondering if this is possible, the income statement appears to be the
> closest I've been able to find.  Looking to find a summary of income and
> expenses summarized (e.g total over 1 year rather than by transaction), but
> I'd like it to show what's paid towards loans as well.  The income portion
> is already there, it's the expense portion I'm having trouble with.
> Income summarized for a period:
> Salary
> Bonus
> etc
> Expenses summarized over the same period:
> Mortgage interest
> Mortgage principal
> Insurance
> Groceries
> etc
> I can get it to show the mortgage interest portion easily as it's just an
> expense account, but is it possible to also show the decrease in the loan
> principal without manually calculating it outside of the report?  The
> tricky part seems to be that a payment against a loan account should show
> as the lowering of outstanding principal, but payment against a credit card
> account should show just the expense account items in that account (not a
> lowering of the outstanding total credit).  Would love any thoughts or
> suggestions!
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