On 19 December 2017 at 22:19, cliffhan...@gardener.com
<cliffhan...@gardener.com> wrote:
> Using Linux with gnome see message for ver. Gnucash was installed with dpkg.

Oh, you mean Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 LTS.  You say you installed using
dpkg, do you mean apt-get install? If you used dpkg where did you get
the deb file?
To give us more information what do see if you run in a terminal:
apt-cache policy gnucash

But first run
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
which will make sure everything is up to date (dist-upgrade does not
try to upgrade to the next version of Ubuntu, it just makes sure
everything is up to date for that version). Obviously report if that
shows any errors.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: gnucash coredump gnome
> From: Colin Law
> To: Cliff McDiarmid
> CC: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
> On 19 December 2017 at 19:20, Cliff McDiarmid wrote:
>> Hi
>> Just joined. i have been using Quicken for 24years running under Wine!
>> It's now time to change, problems with older versions of it.
>> I'm running Gnome 16.04LTS. But I have problems with my first foray into
>> Gnucash. It is coredumping without starting, version 1:2.6.12-1. Other
>> versions also dump. I've run it with Strace and the log is attached. AFAIK
>> all dependencies are satisfied.
> Which OS are you using and how did you install gnucash?
> Colin
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