I would like to see something on this in the wiki.
Just because Mac & windows don't have python and sql by default doesn't
mean that the knowledge base should be dumbed down.
On 12/11/2017 09:29 PM, John Ralls wrote:
On Dec 11, 2017, at 4:41 PM, Charles Sliger <c...@bctonline.com> wrote:
On Mon, 2017-12-11 at 16:01 -0800, John Ralls wrote:
On Dec 11, 2017, at 2:27 PM, Charles Sliger <c...@bctonline.com> wrote:
I'm starting to migrate from QuickBooks to GnuCash.
I'm working my way through the integration issues with
Gnucash - Python - Postgresql
How would the GnuCash team prefer that I document this for the benefit
of others?
I've got about 30 years of unix/database/network systems engineering
under my belt and without that to draw on I don't think I would be able
to work my way through this as the documentation seems rather sparse and
I'll have to document it for my own purposes anyway so let me know if
there's interest.
Can you outline what you propose to document? Integration with QuickBooks
doesn’t really make sense to me and SQL servers have plenty of documentation
themselves as well as hundreds of books and websites teaching how to administer
them. Repeating any of that in our documentation would be pointless.
John Ralls
What I will be documenting is the actual nuts and bolts process for
using GnuCash, Python, and Postgresql together. Integration is probably
too strong a word right now but I see these three as being very
complementary. While it might be true that all of the information is
out there somewhere, I have had to make a number of educated guesses in
the process of just getting GnuCash and Postgresql working together.
This was after purchasing and reading all three books on GnuCash and
spending a good deal of time with on-line research. Most people are not
going to have the time to become dba's in order to reap the benefits of
an RDBMS such as Postgresql. I find they can benefit from having the
documentation for something like this pulled together in a single
narrative. Given that the average PC today can easily handle running a
combination like this, it seems natural to leverage the capabilities of
a database like Postgresql.
Soooo... I just thought I'd ask if there was a place put this kind of
information and a process for getting it there.
It seems to me that your personal blog might be a good place to document the
“process”. I think that anything involving coding is not of major interest to
99 and 44/100% of our user base. That’s not to say that you can’t write useful
articles about it for the wiki, but the wiki’s general style is more
descriptive than narrative.
As for most people not having the time to learn to be DBAs, I agree. What I
disagree about is that they should set up a DB server anyway. With your 30
years of experience you might think that maintaining a DB server and ensuring
that it’s secure and that the data is properly backed up is trivial, but for
nearly all users that’s far from being the case. If it’s possible to write “How
to be a competent DBA in 30 minutes” then there are a dozen books and 100+
websites out there already. I haven’t found them and I don’t think it’s
possible, but if I’m wrong then far better to put some pointers in the wiki
than to create the 137th version.
It is possible, even simple, to enjoy the benefits of SQL without messing
around with being a server DBA. SQLite3 creates a very usable SQL database in a
single file that can be easily copied for backup, no administration
required--in fact, nothing much to administer.
One more point: You perhaps misunderstand how GnuCash uses the database
backends. It is not (yet, nor will it be in 2.8) a database application. It
uses the database as a data store, reading the whole thing into memory at the
beginning of the session. After that the only queries are updates and inserts.
To answer your final question, the place in the GnuCash infrastructure to put it would be
the wiki, https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki <https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki>. Thanks to
spammers we have had to insert human approval into the account creation process. Just say
something about what you want to write so that we know that you’re not a spam-bot or
someone who thinks they need a wiki account to use the program and your request will be
quickly approved. After that there’s a one-week waiting period for your account to be
blessed for editing. There might be an issue about creating pages after that; if you have a
problem best to bring it up on IRC (https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/IRC
John Ralls
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