I’ve never printed a budget report to paper but I suspect that is definitely a 

Till it gets fixed I see two methods available to you:

1)Use the HTML export function. Open the HTML file in a web browser. Print from 
there. (proper PDF printing is also possible if you have a PDF printer 
installed in your OS) This will likely NOT paginate properly.

2)Copy and paste the contents of the report to a spreadsheet or text document, 
format as desired and print. Spreadsheets especially give you more pagination 
control as you can define print ranges of columns and rows as desired. (you 
also get the benefit of being able to do additional analysis)

Personally, I use option 2 currently for the budget report itself without 
printing because I don’t care for the limitations of the current report. I copy 
the GnuCash report to a spreadsheet, then do the math I prefer to see. In 
particular, I like to see how I’m performing YTD based on the YTD budget, not 
the entire annual budget. I also like to see quarterly numbers without having 
to make separate budgets. (GnuCash allows multiple budgets, but if you want 
quarterly numbers, you have to make a special quarterly budget - you can’t get 
that in a report from a yearly budget)


> On Dec 12, 2017, at 3:28 AM, Dave & Tracy E via gnucash-user 
> <gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> Hi.
> My "budget report" has 12 periods, thus is it quite wide. When I print it
> using "Export as PDF" or "Print" it only captures a small part of the
> report. 
> Is there a way to format the printing of a Budget Report?  
> Is there a way to print multiple pages of the Budget Report as a PDF?  (it
> only prints one page / one portion of the report)
> I see it also can be "Exported" as an HTML file, but can the "Budget Report"
> be exported in any other form other than HTML?
> Thanks for your help
> Dave
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