Op woensdag 8 november 2017 07:19:32 CET schreef Erik Colson:
> Richard Ullger <rull...@gmail.com> writes:
> > On 06/11/17 22:43, Erik Colson wrote:
> >> New version 1.43 of Finance-Quote is available with the following 
> > All prices from AlphaVantage are being returned 100 times too big as
> > pence rather than pounds. For example, a price of £7.329 is being
> > returned as £732.90. This is making stock values 100 times too big in
> > gnucash.
> Probably F::Q should return GBp instead of GBP as currency.  However I
> can force division by 100 for .L quotes in alpavantage, maybe gnucash
> can handle GBp to GBP conversion?
> Can GnuCash developers tell which option would be appropriate?
> best
> --
> erik colson

Hi Eric,

There is no facility in gnucash to handle conversions from GBp to GBP 
unfortunately. So I believe the quickest solution to this issue would be for 
Finance::Quote to do the conversion internally.

Thanks for your hard work the last couple of days!

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