Yes, that is what I meant.  The "Get Quotes" function within the Price Editor 
which uses the Perl Finance:Quote module.  I even when into the Security Editor 
and tried a couple of the other stock scrapers for some of the securities.  
Whatever has happened to Yahoo has borked everything.

      From: Derek Atkins <>
 To: Keith Myers <> 
 Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 7:32 AM
 Subject: Re: Price Editor broke today for unknown reasons
Keith Myers <> writes:

> I can't get Price Editor to work today. Worked fine up till
> yesterday.  Now all it does is hang GnuCash with a spinner and
> timeout.  I completely removed Perl and reinstalled including the
> Finance-Quote module.  When I run gnc-fq-check, gnc-fq-dump, and
> gnc-fq-update, they all come back with the expected correct
> responses. Perl sees the module fine.  Why is GnuCash broken today. 
> All the rest of GnuCash is working correctly, just the Price Editor
> can't get any updates.  I have repaired GnuCash, rebooted the computer
> umpteen times and nothing has got the Price Editor to not hang
> GnuCash.

I presume you mean "Price Grabber" and not "Price Editor".  The *Price
Editor" itself does not use Perl or anything else -- it's a dialog that
lets you manually enter prices.  If you then click on "Get Quotes", that
launches the "Price Grabber", which does use Perl.

Apparently Yahoo is b0rked right now.

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      Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
      Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
      URL:   PP-ASEL-IA    N1NWH                        PGP key available

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