This seems like something that ought to be doable by the database-savvy among 
us.  Especially if you have a database (sqlite) back end.
Unfortunately I’m not one of those.   The information is certainly there.  
Other useful queries along similar lines are “tell me, by customer, how much of 
X was sold”, where X might be the description line in an invoice, or even the 
account.  And give me a massive report of all sales by customer within item or 
item within customer, and so on.

> On Oct 18, 2017, at 3:43 PM, Roger Oliver <> wrote:
> Thanks. So I'm not losing my mind after all.
> On Oct 18, 2017 2:13 PM, "Derek Atkins" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, October 18, 2017 2:50 pm, wrote:
>>> Is there a way to get a sales report by item? Total sales for a day by
>>> item
>>> for example. The only indicators I can find would be the description
>> field
>>> on the invoice or the income or other account credited for the sale.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Roger
>> You would certainly have to write your own report to do that.  You would
>> need to search through all posted invoices, and for each invoice line-item
>> determine the date and amount, and then collect all those tuples.  Then
>> you can display it out.
>> There is definitely no existing report that would do this.
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>> -derek
>> --
>>       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
>>       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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