Well, idiot here figured out the primary problem. I had File Explorer's View
option inadvertently set to hide file extensions. The two files I downloaded
actually had .txt extensions (e.g., budget-plus.scm.txt). Yet another reason
to dislike Windows :-) 
I renamed the files and successfully ran a Budget+ report. However, I have
an issue. (I'm providing details in case anyone has questions on how to run
this report). 

I created a budget, which had a Budget Period beginning on 01/01/2017 and 12
Periods, via Actions -> Budget -> New Budget. I then opened (Action ->
Budget -> Open Budget) the newly created budget . 

I then did Reports -> Budget -> Budget+ Report while the budget was open and
chose these report options:
General: Yearly Budget option. Display: Show Budget, Show Actual, Show
Difference, YTD Difference, Show Column with Totals. 

Things look good at a cursory glance. /However, there aren't any cell colors
or borders/.

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