On 27 July 2017 at 16:31, Alain Williams <a...@phcomp.co.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 10:22:40AM -0500, Tommy Trussell wrote:
>> SO (in my opinion, not a UK citizen, other disclaimers applicable, etc.)
>> it's not a mathematical problem, it's a political one.
> +1
> Which comes back to the question: what it MTD really about ?
> I suspect that they want a 'closed box' accounting package where, once 
> entered,
> numbers/invoices/... cannot be changed - which means that it is harder for
> someone to fiddle the books.
> They are starting with small business and landlords - which quite ignores the
> fact that most fiddling is done by expensive accountants who work for the 
> large
> international companies (who also offer civil servants nice consultancies upon
> retirement).

I don't think it is about stopping fiddling, I think it is about
saving money. If everything is done digitally by us then there is less
for government employees to do, so cost saving.

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