Thanks Anselm and Frank! You confirmed my assessment that PSD2 cannot be
used directly by end-users.

@Anselm: Could you share who is the "API proxy for interested developers /
end users" provider? (Perhaps as a private email, if that is sensitive.)

Why would I trust a third-party to proxy my banking info? I'm split. On one
hand, I really shouldn't. On the other hand, I read somewhere that PSD2
only allows TPPs to store banking information for as long as needed for the
intended purpose of the customer. Hence, it almost feels like I have a duty
towards my fellow citizens to test the privacy and security of PSD2. 😀


On Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 5:50 PM Anselm Martin Hoffmeister <> wrote:

> Hallo Cristian,
> PSD2 does not help end users (account holders) to obtain their data from
> the bank directly.
> This is related to the political intention behind mandating the PSD-API
> for (all?) EU banks.
> There are certain agents in the financial market that profit from access
> to customer data (and aggregation thereof). Think of fintech lender
> companies that can check the credit worthiness of an applicant by
> accessing their spending history from their main account via
> standardized means. Those are the ones that profit from the API.
> For private customers there is **absolutely no way** to access a bank
> API directly. This is only open to (somewhat) trustworthy parties that
> prove their proficiency in banking language, have some kind of
> insurance, and put money into that process way above any regular monthly
> salary... and are a registered _company_.
> We had a discussion on aqbanking list about one certain fintech company
> that plays kind of API proxy for interested developers / end users, at
> the moment even for free. This may seem a wonderful prospect, accessing
> all the banks' transaction data even from those that do not regularly
> offer their customers any digital data, let alone structured information.
> The consensus was - iirc - that developing an aqbanking interface to
> that service helps mostly _their_ business model, not necessarily so
> much the users, and everyone would pay with their banking data.
> Depending on what that is worth to you, you might look into it - I did
> not any further.
> In case your Nordea account offers CSVs, you might better work with
> those, in a half-automated fashion?
> Lucky me has a german banking market that has a (rather national) data
> access standard, FinTS, that mostly works quite well - nearly all
> established checking account banks offer it. The newer fintechs mostly
> do not have that access though - one more reason to not bank with them,
> I imagine. Sorry this does not help with the swedish market.
> Best regards
> Anselm
> Am 26.04.2023 um 23:01 schrieb Cristian Klein:
> > Hello,
> >
> > TL;DR: Given infinite development bandwidth, can one even dream of using
> > PSD2 for Online Banking with GnuCash?
> >
> > I wanted to improve visibility into my spendings (what do you know, it's
> > 2023 😀) and wanted to try using GnuCash again ... after a 10-year break.
> >
> > However, my life situation changed, and I no longer have the time (nor
> > patience) to manually enter all transactions into GnuCash. Therefore,
> > hearing about all the hype around PSD2, I thought maybe GnuCash already
> > supports pulling all transactions from my bank (Nordea, Sweden, EU).
> >
> > Why don't I just hack a PSD2 backend for AqBanking?
> >
> > So ... I read up on PSD2 and here is what I understood:
> >
> >     - It introduces a heck of a lot of acronyms.
> >     - It essentially mandates an open API for access to my transaction
> >     information.
> >     - TPP = "Third Party Provider", i.e., the entity who -- upon my
> consent
> >     -- gets access to my transaction info.
> >     - XS2A = "Access to Account" is an API to essentially retrieve
> >     transaction information.
> >     - TPP needs to onboard at two levels:
> >        - First, the TPP needs to get some kind of certificate ("QSealC
> >        Public certificate" -- in case anyone Googles this message) from
> the
> >        National Financial Authority, e.g., BaFin in Germany,
> > Finansinspektionen in
> >        Sweden, etc.
> >        - Second, the TPP needs to get onboarded with each bank.
> >
> > I learned these by reading the following documents:
> >
> >     -
> >
> >     -
> >
> >     -
> >
> > Does this essentially mean that PSD2 and XS2A is only usable for
> accounting
> > software delivered as SaaS and useless for accounting software delivered
> as
> > desktop applications like GnuCash?
> >
> > Any insight is appreciated.
> >
> > Best,
> >
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