I'm not an expert, but you might note the renaming of branches that was 
discussed here:


And here:


⁣David T. ​

On Apr 16, 2023, 9:21 AM, at 9:21 AM, Kevin Buckley <kevin.m.buck...@gmail.com> 
>I have a directory, from within which I do the occassional git pull
>againstt the GnuCash GitHub repo.
>I just did one, and now see the following
>$ git remote -v
>origin  https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash.git (fetch)
>origin  https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash.git (push)
>$ git status -s -b
>## stable...origin/stable
>$ git describe --abbrev=1
>All looks good, but then I started looking around.
>The README I have starts with
>          GnuCash README file.
>The current stable series is GnuCash 4.x.
>should I have one that says 5.x ?
>I also downloaded a 5.0 source tarball, and saw that the README is the
>same in there, but also saw in the Changelog
>2023-03-25 John Ralls
>        * Release GnuCash 5.0 (HEAD -> master, tag: 5.0)
>2023-03-25 John Ralls
>        * Merge branch 'maint'
>but, if I chechout the maint branch in my local directory, I see
>$ git checkout maint
>$ git describe --abbrev=1
>amd I am aware that's there's been a 4.14, as well as the 5.0
>FWIW, the latest commit I can see in my maint branch is
>commit 52deda868ff042a2815cc6b91464a1d3415a447b (HEAD -> maint,
>origin/maint, origin/HEAD)
>Author: Christopher Lam <christopher....@gmail.com>
>Date:   Sun Dec 18 11:39:51 2022 +0800
>and then when I went looking at
>I couldn't see the "maint" branch.
>Have I lost a reference somehwere ?
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