I have abandoned my rather optimistic attempt to build on Rocky 9 - which is
after all less than a week old - as there are far too many dependencies that
aren't findable.


I've gone back to Ubuntu, but made a new VM for it with 22.04 (jammy), which
is all of three months old. All the dependencies stated in the docs install
(although a few version numbers are out of date - especially guile*), but it
won't build because gwenhywfar is missing and not in the repository.
Gwenhywfar-tools is available, but installing it doesn't help. The
gwenhywfar website doesn't clarify anything either.


Has anyone else encountered this issue?




*the documentation says use guile 2.0 but only 2.2 or 3.0 are available - is
there any reason not to install 3.0? 

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