> On Feb 18, 2022, at 8:24 PM, Kevin Buckley <kevin.m.buck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I actually noticed this in a source file from back in the 2.6 days,
> although have just pull-ed the maint branch, at commit 1ed85c9b6,
> and still can't see one?
> FWIW, I was looking to wrap all of the
> pairs in GNU indent "Ignore" comments
> /* *INDENT-OFF* */
> /* *INDENT-ON* */
> (indent not being overly happy dealing with them nor with G_GNUC_CONST
> come to that),
> and noticed this file had a BEGIN-ing but no END.
> Was wondering if that was "correct" or merely just "OK"?
> Just out of interest though, and leaving aside the "it's a free-for-all" notes
> in the Coding Style Conventions stanza of the HACKING file, what are the
> pretty-printers of choice for the various source code languages within
> the GnuCash codebase?
A G_BEGIN_DECLS without a corresponding G_END_DECLS should fail to compile if
it's presented to a c++ compiler. Seems those macros are used mostly in files
that aren't likely to ever be presented to a c++ compiler so they should
probably be removed; in the few exceptions where a c++ compiler might see them
I think it would be better to replace them with their expansions for clarity.
On those occasions where we want to bulk reformat we've generally used artistic
style, http://astyle.sourceforge.net/, as
astyle -xd -k1 -m0 -M60 -xL -xC79 -OHpUcZns4 --brackets=break
or more commonly just
astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=break --suffix=none
Please refer to https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/CodingStandard rather than the
ancient instructions in HACKING--which I just replaced with a pointer to the
wiki page.
John Ralls
gnucash-devel mailing list