
How are you exiting/quitting GnuCash?
It should unlock on exit, if it exits cleanly.


On Mon, March 22, 2021 11:31 am, Bregt - ICTgroup.be via gnucash-devel wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently installed GnuCash 4.2 on an Ubuntu 20.04. I linked my data to
> a database on an instance of a MariaDb server on the same host. All data
> gets stored in the database as I expect, so far so good.
> Last week I put up a master/master replication configuration between the
> MariaDb server and a second MariaDb server on another host in my local
> network, in order to have a backup (and some form of multi-user access,
> but that's not what it's about right now). Replication works as
> expected, so far so good.
> I did notice however, that the lock on the database (the entry in table
> gnclock) is set upon launching GnuCash, but is not deleted upon closing
> GnuCash. This results in GnuCash asking me if I want to 'open anyway'
> (ie overwrite the entry in gnclock) every time I launch GnuCash. Even
> when detaching the primary MariaDb host from the local network, this
> problem remains.
> I did tamper with the database in order to test the replication: I
> created a dummy table and upon seeing it getting replicated to my second
> server, I deleted that table (and it got deleted on the replication
> server too).
> Anyone has an idea or a hint on how to get GnuCash to delete the entry
> in table gnclock upon closing (as should happen and indeed happened
> before configuring the replication)? Would my adding/deleting the dummy
> table for the replication test have anything to do with this issue?
> Kind regards,
> Bregt
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