
The configuration option you reference to is a Gtk configuration option. The 
Gtk project has dropped this option with Gtk3. It now puts responsibility with 
the projects using Gtk3 to decide which toolbar style to use.

So when GnuCash switched to  Gtk3, the possibility to configure this as a user 
was lost. After a few trials with what should be the best hard-coded style, we 
ended up with the small icons+text as the best compromise.



Op zaterdag 6 maart 2021 15:25:00 CET schreef Taull Boi:
> Hi,
> I am using gnucash 4.4 on Windows. I find that the gnucash toolbar style
> does not change even though I have correctly configured the toolbar style
> settings in gtk-3.0/Settings.ini as follows:
> [Settings]
> gtk-toolbar-style = GTK_TOOLBAR_TEXT
> This problem appears to have been discussed below:
> http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GNC-Toolbar-ignoring-gtk-toolbar-style-> 
> setting-in-Ubuntu-18-04-Bionic-tt4699591.html
> I was looking at the gnucash source code and the toolbar style seems to be
> hardcoded in the following locations:
> ./gnome/window-reconcile.c:1699:        gtk_toolbar_set_style
> (GTK_TOOLBAR(widget),
> ./gnome-utils/gnc-embedded-window.c:302:        gtk_toolbar_set_style
> (GTK_TOOLBAR(priv->toolbar),
> ./gnome-utils/gnc-main-window.c:3964:        gtk_toolbar_set_style
> (GTK_TOOLBAR(priv->toolbar),
> I was wondering why this is done.
> Thanks for your time.
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