> On Feb 13, 2021, at 6:20 PM, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:
>> On Feb 12, 2021, at 5:08 PM, Martin Preuss <mar...@aquamaniac.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Am 13.02.21 um 00:07 schrieb John Ralls:
>> [...]
>>> The next GnuCash release is 6 weeks from Sunday. This has nothing to do 
>>> with GnuCash code so that doesn't really matter except that it's the next 
>>> regular opportunity to update the bundled AQBanking for flatpak, macOS, and 
>>> Microsoft Windows. Once Martin releases a new AQBanking version with the 
>>> changes we can generate new bundles on 4.4, we needn't wait for a release.
>> [...]
>> Okay, my releases are out now (Gwenhywfar 5.5.1 and AqBanking 6.2.6).
> For macOS users GnuCash-Intel-4.4-2.dmg with it is on Sourceforge at 
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnucash/files/gnucash%20%28stable%29/4.4/
> The sea-256 is 
> 63e1c1a9965c02f79c25f397907b4c40e61bb13836cd5e05b2f1e9d902a9664f.
> A new flatpack GnuCash-4.4-4 will be available on flathub as soon as it 
> finishes building.
> Windows users will be able to use tomorrow's nightly from 
> https://code.gnucash.org/builds/win32/maint.

Some followup notes: Before building the dmg I made sure that I could connect 
to my USAA accounts. I found a few anomalies on macOS; I'll test again on Linux 
before I file bugs on AQBanking, but in the meantime I was slowed down by the 

I tried a generated UUID for ClientID. That got me an authorization failure so 
I switched to the one posted earlier. Since AFAIK UUIDS are a non-reversible 
hash I suspect that the server program has a list of Client UUIDs associated 
with various versions of Quicken. Connections with other UUIDs aren't allowed. 
To test that hypothesis we'll need to run more MITM attacks with Quicken 
sessions and collect the UUIDs for comparison.

USAA changed the account number on my credit card account, so I had to retrieve 
my accounts again in the AQBanking Wizard. I encountered a few problems with 
that process:
* If the old account was present it wasn't overwritten: I had to remove the old 
USAA accounts first.
* The downloaded accounts weren't associated with the right AQBanking user. 
Each had to be edited to set the correct one.
* The BankID and Bank Name were set to a string of 0s on the credit card 
account. I didn't try connecting with the 0s but changed both as Bob White has 

Once all of that was sorted out I was able to import my credit card statements. 
Haven't tested the bank account yet.

John Ralls

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