OK I get it, nothing on top of https.
Thanks for all this great info.

On 2/7/2021 7:53 PM, Scott McRae wrote:
The encryption is all standard HTTPS (which is HTTP over TLS). It is encrypted in both directions on the network. But if you are terminating the TLS (a.k.a. SSL) connection, you get to see the unencrypted data from both directions. This is what a man-in-the-middle does.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 7:51 PM Jean L <rip...@gmail.com <mailto:rip...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Oh cool!
    Thanks for the pointer.
    One more question: is the ofx data encrypted on the way back to
    your side of things? It does not look like it is since you're able
    to download your data once you know all the parameter of the
    "traditional" ofx query, is that right?


    On 2/7/2021 7:28 PM, Scott McRae wrote:
    I'm you want something a bit more automated, I came across
    mitm-proxy in searches:


    This should take care of generating certificates
    automatically and actually do the forwarding, etc. You'll need to
    generate a CA cert for it and install that in your trusted
    certificates. Their docs should explain how. I didn't actually
    use it, since my manual method ended up working, but this sounds
    better suited for your use case.

    On Sun, Feb 7, 2021 at 7:23 PM Jean L <rip...@gmail.com
    <mailto:rip...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Wow, that's really cool. I would love to replicate that to be
        able to connect to my bank as I'm sure many would. I wonder
        if there would be a way to make that a bit easier than
        completely manually.
        At the moment, I have a python script that logs into my bank,
        make the right clicks and downloads the OFX files. Definitely
        NOT robust so I would love to be able to go back to
        downloading ofx files directly.

        Could you possibly write a small blurb on how to do this,
        from start to finish? That would be super useful for me. On
        the other hand, I'm not sure whether this is 100% within the
        law, not sure whether the DMCA has something to say about
        this or not :(


        On 2/7/2021 7:06 PM, Scott McRae wrote:
        >>/So I decided to give the devil his due and temporarily got a
Quicken />>/subscription and setup an SSL man-in-the-middle. />Sure, you can have a man-in-the-middle setup, but if you don't have the >keys that quicken and the bank use to communicate and communications are >encoded, you can't get any data from being in the middle, unless I'm >missing something.
        I generated a self-signed cert and added to the trust store on my Mac OS
        keychain. I was actually able to get away with a very manual 
        using an "openssl s_server" command running on 433, modifying the 
        file to point back to my machine, and copy-pasting the request to curl, 
        copy-pasting the response.

        On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:45 PM Scott McRae <smc...@parax.com
        <mailto:smc...@parax.com>> wrote:

            I got this working in my software with some help for the
            info on this list. Here is a write-up:

            USAA's changes to their OFX interface

            On 2020-01-26, USAA's previous OFX interface
            (https://service2.usaa.com/ofx/OFXServlet) stopped
            working. It seems like they switched to a new interface
            through a tech provider to replace their previous login
            method (with your website credentials) to an
            app-specific ID and password. This is a good move for
            security, but it was done without notice, it seems, to
            anyone but Quicken.

            From some internet searches, I found some people on the
            right track to fixing this on the GNU Cash development
            mailing list:


            They were able to determine that USAA was:
             - using a new OFX endpoint:
             - using a new OFX Org ID: USAA Federal Savings Bank
             - using a new OFX FID: 67811

            Additionally, someone on the USAA forums was about to
            extract and post the link to generate an App ID and PIN:

            Authorization link:

            However, with a lot of trial and error I still wasn't
            able to hit this new endpoint successfully. So I decided
            to give the devil his due and temporarily got a Quicken
            subscription and setup an SSL man-in-the-middle.

            The new OFX interface is *very* finicky, so you
            basically have to input everything exactly the way it
            expects it. Here is an example of an account listing
            query that works:

            echo -en
            Federal Savings
            | curl -isS -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-ofx"
            -A InetClntApp/3.0 --data-binary @-

            Note you have to change the XXXXX and NNNNN to the App
            ID and PIN you get from the link above.

            Some things I've found through trial and error:
             - The OFX elements must be separated with "\r\n". This
            is dumb, but true. No spaces. No simple "\n". Exactly
             - The APPID "QMOFX" and APPVER "QMOFX" work. Others I
            tried did not.
             - The CLIENTUID "1955A543-B071-455E-A31E-73CC7C493D68"
            works for me. It must be uppercase. This might be
            particular to your account. If so, you can find it
            looking at the OFX logs from Quicken.
             - TRNUID must be present, but an UUID will do.
             - DTACCTUP: The value "19900101" works. The value
            "19700101" does not. The value "19900101000000" does not.
             - You need the "Content-Type: application/x-ofx" header
             - You need the User-Agent "InetClntApp/3.0". This is
            what Quicken for Mac sends.

            It also seems their gateway will under some conditions
            put your IP on a ban list. If you are testing, you may
            want to spin up an AWS instance or something. When you
            get on it, you'll start seeing an empty HTML page
            response, like:

            <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow">

            Valid queries will work from different source IPs when
            this happens.

            Thanks to Bob White on the GNU Cash list and RDD! on the
            USAA Forums for the breadcrumbs. No thanks to USAA for
            swapping out their functional interface with absolutely
            no notice or documentation and pretending like Quicken
            users are the only customers of any importance. Please
            just don't break our software again... at least for awhile.

            - Scott McRae

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