TL;DR: Unless I hear major objections, I plan to reboot the VM server tomorrow, Monday, Dec 7, around 8pm US/EST (0100 UTC Dec 8), in order to refresh / update some certificates. Please let me know if this is an issue.
Long Version: The GnuCash infrastructure uses a single-host OVirt VM platform for its production system. Unfortunately, this means that certain system maintenance efforts require system reboots, and, unfortunately, replacing the certificates is one of those. All the new certificates are in place so I should just need to reboot the system to allow it to take effect. The reason for the certificate update is two-fold: 1) Many of the certificates were set to expire next year (2021), so they would have to be renewed anyway. Granted, this date was November 1, so I had most of the year to do it, but still, it had to be done within the next 11 months. 2) More importantly, the certificates were all using SHA1, and this was causing problems with e.g. remote-viewer complaining that the certificates were not secure. This is JohnR and, after I update my own system this weekend, me. If I had a multi-server Ovirt setup (e.g. 3 hosts), then I could round-robin update them. I migrate all the running VMs to the other two hosts and then I can safely take the third host down and do whatever I needed. Then I bring it up again, let everything stabilize, and then move to the next one. Alas, with a single host, I can't do this so I need to reboot. total downtime should be no more than 30 minutes, assuming of course I got everything right. Also, I am *hoping* this will fix the remote-viewer issue, but I won't know for sure until after I reboot. If you all have any questions, concerns, or the timing is bad, please let me know. Thanks! -derek PS: For John, Frank, Geert, etc -- due to the certificate changes you will need to remove the old certificates from your browser trusted-cert cache first and then import the new ones. Search for IHTFP. If you don't remove it, it'll give you an error that the certificate changed but has the same Issuer/Serial#. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about that. -- Derek Atkins 617-623-3745 Computer and Internet Security Consultant _______________________________________________ gnucash-devel mailing list