Hello Pedro,

Am 25.11.20 um 09:40 schrieb Pedro Albuquerque:
> Hello Dear Developers,
> For some time now, I have tried to maintain GnuCash translation updated,
> using Github and git. With lots of your help, it has worked in the past.
> But it is highly unpractical for me, not being a developer.
> So, being a disclaimed translator at Gnu Translation Project, I humbly
> ask if you could move GnuCash translation file back to that project.
> That way I could request that it is assigned to me and update the
> translations regularly without making a mess with Github.
> Many thanks in advance for your attention.
> Kind regards,
> Pedro Albuquerque

Before a release we usually also look for updates at TP.

The downside of TP is without a process of prerelease + string freeze,
which is not accepted AFAIK (John and Benno know the details),
translations sent over TP are alway one minor version behind the code.

By accident I have added a fresh msgmerged pt.po in my last commit
"L10N: Update Glossaries to commit 3d7e66d". My plan had been to send it
you private. So you can for now update pt.po and glossary/pt.po. BTW you
can ask me always for a fresh merged po.

AFAIK TP has no option to submit the glossary file and I don't know, if
the accept a pt.po, which is not based on their (outdated) version of
gnucash pot.

Around each release I am thinking about using weblate.org. Would that be
a better way for you?

I wish to ask you also about
https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/pull/799. Do you think other
portugese speaking people were interested to use the gnucash-br mailing
list or divergeted the languages too much?

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