Dear GnuCash Developers,

It has been a slow effort, but we are finally approaching a 1.50 Finance::Quote 

First, the intent is to maintain backwards compatibility, so if nothing changes 
in GnuCash, users should still be able to fetch quotes.

There are two new features that GnuCash could expose to users:

1. Module specific options 
2. Multiple sources for currency conversion rates

Both features are documented in the README at 

Instead of adding a new environment variable for each module that requires an 
API key, Finance::Quote->new now takes a configuration hash:

$q = Finance::Quote->new('IEXCloud’, iexcloud => {API_KEY => ‘pk_0...'});
%quotes = $q->iexcloud(@symbols);

AlphaVantage will still use an environment variable, but the intent going 
forward is to limit environment variables.

Previously, currency conversion was handled only by AlphaVantage and required 
an API key.  We have added the European Central Bank as one key-free source 
(but it is limited) and several other sources with API keys that avoid the 
AlphaVantage throttling.

 $q = Finance::Quote->new('currency_rates' => {order => ['ECB', 'Fixer'],
                                             fixer => {API_KEY => ‘0…'}});

I thought a bit about how GnuCash might expose this to users, but we haven’t 
finalized 1.50 yet so there is still time for change.



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