The slowness I think is that the treeview travesses the model working out
what paths are valid before loading. I had started to get round that by
only loading part of the transaction list. So locally I have a test account
with 10000 transactions and have two Glist's, a full one with 10000 entries
and a view list which the custom model uses and which is currently set to
150 entries. I am able to move about successfully by keyboard, loading and
removing entries from the view list as needed but moving by mouse needs
work but I have an idea on that.

Selectable columns were already implemented, currently the normal registers
have a fixed set of columns but the general ledger has some default and
elective ones but this is easily changed.

If the transaction could only have one line then that would make the model
and view simpler like not having two cell renderers in one column and
setting the visibility of them by type of row.

I will try and get the mouse scrolling to work and then there are changes
to the model I want to make which can include going to a transaction with
one line only. As this is all self contained in separate source files
hopefully there will be no problem if I push my changes when ready but some
changes may still require work.

This still may not come to anything but maybe show what is possible, the
wrong way to do it or something to build on.


On Sat, 1 Aug 2020 at 12:10, Geert Janssens <>

> Op dinsdag 14 juli 2020 17:49:34 CEST schreef Robert Fewell:
> > Also if I remember right there was a lot of, "it is not the same as
> > the existing" which slightly put me off any further progress.
> I admit partial blame to this and apologize for it. In the years since I
> have changed my mind on this and I would be more ok with certain layout
> improvements. Just as an example I would now even dare to propose to drop
> the double line mode in favour of user selectable visible columns (some
> columns may be made mandatory though).
> But as mentioned in other messages, I don't know if it's the right time to
> work on this. The primary concern remains the slowness of GtkTreeView (or
> is that really GtkTreeModel) with large data sets.
> Regards,
> Geert
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