OK cool, thanks for that.

On 6/19/20 5:17 PM, John Ralls wrote:

On Jun 19, 2020, at 4:03 PM, Jean Laroche <rip...@gmail.com> wrote:

I believe we're in feature freeze mode, correct? When can we go back to 
investigating new ideas (or even fixing bugs)?

You can do whatever you want in your own repo and you can make PRs with the 
results, we just won't merge anything that introduces new features, new 
translatable strings, or code that presents a risk of introducing serious new 
bugs until after we release 4.0 on the 28th and merge master into maint 
sometime the week or so after.

At that point small new features can be added to maint, anything involving 
major surgery or compatibility goes on master for incorporation into 5.0, and 
anything in between is a judgement call that the core devs will discuss and 

I guess I should add that PR reviews right after a major release may depend on 
how unstable that release is. 3.x had serious issues thanks to having to 
migrate to Gtk3 in the 6 months before and it took a year before we were able 
to stop full-time firefighting and think about features.

John Ralls

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