> On May 21, 2020, at 12:55 AM, Mike Alexander <m...@umich.edu> wrote:
> I've had some fixes in binreloc.c for some time that I'm trying to clean up 
> and commit.  Part of the problem is that _br_find_exe doesn't work at all for 
> non-Aqua Mac builds (i.e. using X11).  I've fixed this by calling 
> _NSGetExecutablePath if GNC_PLATFORM_OSX is set and MAC_INTEGRATION is not 
> set.  This has been working for me for several years.  It shouldn't affect 
> any other platforms.
> The other problem is that it doesn't resolve symlinks properly.  There are 
> bugs in that code that mean it never works, even in the simple case.  I can 
> make simple cases (where the last path component is a symlink) work easily 
> enough, but the general case is a bit more complicated if you limit yourself 
> to using only readlink.  Is there any reason that we don't use the realpath 
> function for this?  I think it exists in all non-Windows systems GnuCash 
> cares about (Windows is a completely separate implementation of 
> _br_find_exe).  It is in MacOS since 10.4, in Posix since POSIX.1-2001, in 
> BSD4.4, and in Linux.  It's essentially trivial to call and will solve the 
> problem.


The code that we have is gnomified from the original autopackage.org version. I 
agree it's pretty awful; the comparison of sizeof(ptr) to SSIZE_MAX 
particularly so; trying to allocate SSIZE_MAX-1 in the impossible case that 
sizeof(ptr) > SSIZE_MAX borders on comical. I suggest that rather than 
allocating the path buffers you just create two char[PATH_MAX +1] buffers on 
the stack.

There's another problem though, /proc/self/exe is Linux-only so it still won't 
work for the BSDs. They don't all have proc (OpenBSD doesn't, it's optional on 
FreeBSD; NetBSD has procfs and uses /proc/curproc/exe; DragonFly BSD uses 
/proc/curproc/file [1]). The most general solution is to store argv[0] in 
inner_main and then look for that file in $PATH. I dunno if it's that prominent 
a use case. There have been only 2 bugs about binreloc ever and neither of them 
is that it doesn't work.

John Ralls

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