Op maandag 26 augustus 2019 18:32:40 CEST schreef John Ralls:
> > On Aug 26, 2019, at 1:49 AM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be>
> > wrote:> 
> > Op zaterdag 24 augustus 2019 19:40:06 CEST schreef Matthew Forbis:
> >> I was running gnucash directly from the inst directory and not creating
> >> an
> >> installer first.  This explanation makes sense.
> > 
> > There you go.
> > 
> > It would be nice though to be able to run directly from the inst directory
> > while debugging as it saves time not having to recreate a bundle for each
> > iteration.
> > 
> > Frankly I believe this shows how little actual development really happens
> > on Windows. Because of that the development experience is not really
> > optimized on that platform. With you actively doing so, it may be helpful
> > to share your experiences so we may make it more attractive for other
> > Windows oriented contributors.
> Has anyone tried Windows Subsystem for Linux
> (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10)? That might be
> a less painful development environment for Windows users at least in the
> short term.
I haven't tried it - as far as I know it's not available on Win7.

But as others have already pointed out there are limitations:
- from what I have heard it doesn't support GUI applications very well (yet). 
It is said to be more oriented towards command line utilities.
- WSL is a virtual machine, so you'd be running a linux application in a VM, 
not a native application. Granted, the VM is deeply integrated in Windows so 
for many users the difference may be hardly noticeable.

> Longer term I think we need to figure out how to make GnuCash buildable in
> Visual Studio. Recent releases provide for a Clang toolchain as well as the
> standard MSVC++ one. We might be able to create a build environment
> combined with vcpkg (https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg) that would be more
> stable, offer a lower barrier to entry, and generate windows-understandable
> debug info.

That would indeed be a more interesting approach. Would that mean we'd have to 
build the gnucash dependencies in VS as well ? (Aqbanking, guile, webkit,...) 
Or can VS code link to code built with mingw ? If the latter we could 
transition in phases: first get GnuCash built and run on VS, while keeping the 
dependencies as they are, then gradually migrate dependencies (if we want to 
have the same debug benefits there).



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