
I think for the next release of Finance::Quote, Alphavantage.pm and IEXCloud 
will only support environment variables (named ALPHVANTAGE_API_KEY and 

We are going to work on extending the new operator to allow setting instance 
variables, including module specific data.  Something like:

my $q = Finance::Quote->new(
     TIMEOUT => 60,
     FAILOVER => 1,
     alphavantage => { API_KEY => 'thealphavkey', othervariable => 'value' },
     iexcloud => { API_KEY => 'theiexkey'},

There will also be setter methods as you suggested.

We can keep you informed so that the September GnuCash release can take 



> On Jun 15, 2019, at 10:59 PM, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:
> David,
> AQBanking maintains its own set of settings files in ~/.aqbanking. 
> Finance::Quote at present doesn't keep any user state.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
>> On Jun 15, 2019, at 5:52 PM, David Carlson <david.carlson....@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> I believe the AQ Banking feature has already solved the issue of saving 
>> usernames and passwords for multiple financial institutions in a manner that 
>> is easily migrated to new GnuCash releases.  Is it possible to do the API 
>> Key thing in a manner that would seem very little different to the user?
>> On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 12:53 PM John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:
>>> On Jun 15, 2019, at 9:17 AM, Vincent Lucarelli 
>>> <vincent.lucare...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> We are working on the next release of Finance::Quote and will try to add 
>>> https://iexcloud.io/ <https://iexcloud.io/> as a new module.
>>> Like Alphavantage, users will need to register and get an API key.
>>> Since GnuCash is a major user of Finance::Quote, I wanted to get opinions 
>>> on how to handle API keys.  I have two initial ideas:
>>> 1. Each Finance::Quote module expects a module specific environment 
>>> variable and GnuCash would need to update the Preferences > Online Quotes 
>>> pane for each API key.
>>> 2. We invent a more global environment variable that can hold multiple API 
>>> keys. For example, something like
>>> The problem with the first approach is that GnuCash preferences need to 
>>> change with each addition.
>>> The problems wit the second approach are usability and parsing (do we 
>>> assume no service would ever include : or ; in the API key?).  The later 
>>> could be solved with json formatting, but that is even worse for users.
>>> Appreciate any suggestions.
>> Vince,
>> Excellent news, thanks for stepping up to help Erik out.
>> ';' in your FQ_API_KEYS will have to be quoted to keep the shell from 
>> interpreting it, and any quotes in the key would have to be escaped even 
>> with separate environment variables per service. Telling users to escape the 
>> delimiter character and quotes is easier than teaching them to format a JSON 
>> string. e.g FQ_API_KEYS="AlphaVantage:xxxxxxxxx\"xxxx\:xxxxxx...". The real 
>> problem with that is that it breaks backward compatibility with GnuCash, 
>> which sets ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY when the preference is set. That could be 
>> worked around by continuing to look for the older environment variable, or 
>> telling users to set the new environment variable themselves, which they'd 
>> need to do anyway to use a new service until we rewrote the preference item. 
>> Note that we're two weeks away from our next release, so that change would 
>> be in the September release at the earliest.
>> Environment variables are clumsy. Might you consider an alternative, perhaps 
>> a "set_key(service, key)" function on the Finance::Quote object? 
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
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