
On May 28, 2019, at 8:05 PM, Derek Atkins <> wrote:

>Wm via gnucash-devel <> writes:


>> for example, what if someone is depending on a perceived fault in the
>> current reporting system? <-- I don't know if I am doing this but I
>> might be.
>THIS could be an issue.  One person's bug is another person's feature.
>So yes, it is certainly possible that someone is depending upon the
>current behavior and might be put out if that behavior changes. 

In fact, this already HAS happened with recent changes to transaction.scm. 
Changes to the settings regarding inclusion of transaction detail got changed, 
forcing me to go through every saved report that I had that used the 
transaction report as its basis (by the way, there are numerous other standard 
reports that behind the scenes are based on the transaction report). It was 
quite a surprise, and there was no warning or guidance given ahead of time.

I ultimately was able to work out the problem and its solution, but it was 
quite frustrating at the time.


>       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
>       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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