On Sat, 6 Apr 2019 11:29:20 +0800
Christopher Lam <christopher....@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have it in my near todo.txt to add export-json from
> income-gst-statement.scm which calculates net & VAT amounts.
> I will *not* be writing bridging software.
Good, also interesting, in that I never considered exporting from the reports. 
I guess for self assessment the data could be exported from the same report ? 
But then I'm not good with scheme.

I was becoming concerned that by the time this becomes compulsory (which it 
already is for VAT. Although the gov. have allowed a further breaking in time) 
no one would have written this for GnuCash, hence the Python bridge. I really 
did not want to buy another computer running Windows 10, plus an accounting 
package to submit my small self employed earnings. I could employ an tax agent 
every quarter to submit for me I suppose.  I guess that applies to many GnuCash 

> If anyone can find the exact json format expected for HMRC I'll get it done.

For VAT there are examples at 
 although I've not tested anything there yet.  I've only tested the Self 
Assessment API at 
 in the posted Python scripts.

For creating a test user for VAT this looks like the page 
 I'll try that with some python later.

Have you registered as a developer with HMRC? What's your solution to the 
client_secret problem?

Mike E
gnucash-devel mailing list

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