> On Sep 18, 2018, at 7:53 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger 
> <frank.h.ellenber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps you can do some cleanup: Is Gutsy outdated?

That was version 7.10 of Ubuntu, that is, released October 2007. By far, it is 
no longer supported by Canonical. (wasn’t even a Long Term Support release) And 
there is not even a hardware reason that anyone should be running it. I don’t 
even think the repos for it are even available any longer.

The oldest supported Ubuntu version is 14.04 (and then only until next April) I 
shouldn’t think any build instructions are necessary (unless in an archived 
page if desired) for anything older than this.

>> The main building page is a massive tome. I did start breaking out some
>> parts of it into smaller logical chunks when I updated the BuildUbuntu16.04
>> ( which covers 16.04, 18.04 and Linux MInt 18 and 19 in effect.). 
> Shouldn’t it be renamed to BuildUbuntu then?

I agree, the link text/page title is confusing and there have already been 
questions about what instructions to use for building on 18.04.(yes, I see that 
it says this is for 18.04 as well, but clearly someone didn’t or they wouldn’t 
have asked)

If replacing content with a link to a dedicated page is desired practice for 
cleaning up the wiki, then I’d propose all of the material for building on 
Ubuntu be moved to that page, that it be renamed simply BuildUbuntu and that 
the main build page be left with a link to it for the Ubuntu section. As it is, 
the original build page still contains long outdated info. I would have instead 
expected to see the most current instructions there and then maybe a link for 
older versions.

Along with that, if older material for older systems and versions isn’t going 
to be moved to its own ‘archive’ page, then it should always appear down the 
page in chronological order. The current state of the build instructions is a 
bit messy in that regard.

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