Hi David,

Am 17.09.18 um 14:59 schrieb David T.:
> Hello,
> Can anyone give me clear language on when and why a documentation creator 
> would need to reissue the commands in Initializing Documentation Build 
> Environment? I’d like to clear this issue up on the wiki before it gets lost.
> David

because of some general confusion about the term make i.e. in
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/The_Make_Utility, I created recently
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Build_Tools. It might still be incomplete
or contain errors, so improvements are welcome. Feel free to link it,
where ever required.

You might also counter check the recent changes in

and other pages of
https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Category:Development .

N.B.: It would be nice, if you would add categories to

>> On Sep 14, 2018, at 10:21 AM, David T. <sunfis...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Frank, Geert,
>> I am finally following up on this thread, and I’d like to note that the 
>> information that Frank says “got lost,” and which Geert has re-entered on 
>> this page were actually moved to a different page 
>> (https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Initializing_Documentation_Build_Environment 
>> <https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Initializing_Documentation_Build_Environment>)
>>  and the reference to this information was moved up to Section 2. Setting Up 
>> Your System.
>> Here we have an example of how duplicative information ends up in our 
>> ecosystem!

That is a nice example, why you should make smaller changes. Instead of
"Major rewrite of entire page" it would be better readable, if you would
use separate steps of logical units:
Move Section x in a new page;
Move section y to appropriate position;
Rewordening of section z; ...



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