This paragraph is fairly instructive though.

"When reading to do, people seek information that helps them to conquer their 
goals/tasks. Help systems that use reading
to do are more likely to help users reach their goals (Varland and Svensson, 
2006). However, people often do not learn
how to read to do, and many authors of manuals do not write for reading to do."

My experience in education is that for some people learning is a kinesthetic 
thing - they have to do to learn. 15 % of
the population are generally primarily kinesthetic learners, 25% primarily 
auditory and 30% primary visual learners. The
remainder of us utilize a mixture of styles.

David Cousens

On Sun, 2018-09-16 at 20:11 -0700, John Ralls wrote:
> So the IgNobel Prizes are out, and the “winner" of the literature prize is
> "Life Is Too Short to RTFM: How Users Relate to Documentation and "Excess 
> Features in Consumer Products”, https://acad
> <>.
> Maybe instead of doing a rewrite we should just bin the lot and put the 
> effort into stripping GnuCash down to the bare
> essentials.
> ;-)
> Regards,
> John Ralls
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