
You imply that the use of Eclipse somehow renders the documentation process 
simple enough for a user to identify a typo and get it fixed. I flat out 
disagree, and I think that using disingenuous language on the wiki home page is 
not going to change the reality: implementing a change in the documentation is 
a Process.

I still think the heading should be reverted to “Developing the Documentation”, 
and I am copying gnucash-devel as you requested.


> On Aug 17, 2018, at 11:23 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger 
> <> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Am 16.08.2018 um 20:52 schrieb David T.:
>> Frank,
>> As you will see on gnucash-devel, I had reason to examine the wiki home page 
>> today, and noticed some of the changes you have implemented there over the 
>> last year or so. I wanted to discuss off list with you one of those changes.
>> You changed “Developing the Documentation” to “Improving the Documentation” 
>> with the note that “developing sounds so high-flown”. I think you’re wrong 
>> here, and I’d like you to change that back to “Developing.” 
>> Here’s why I think that:
>> IF improving the documentation simply involved opening a Word file, changing 
>> the text or formatting using a WYSIWIG editor, and saving the result, THEN 
>> I’d agree on referring to it as “Improving the Documentation.”
>> HOWEVER, it simply isn’t that easy—as outlined on our own wiki page. That 
>> page includes guidance on: the installation of several specialized software 
>> packages, the creation of accounts at github and Bugzilla, the use of 
>> version control software, the editing of DocBook XML text files, the XSLT 
>> validation of your edits, etc. etc. etc.
> Using a recent Eclipse CDT bundle should have everything, which is required:
> a Git module,
> a Bugzilla connector,
> a WYSIWIG XML editor,
> a module for autotools (configuer, make, ...).
> You could ask Geert about his success with KDevelop.
>> Simply put, the documentation update process *IS* complicated and 
>> “high-flown”—and to imply otherwise is misleading.
> The idea behind the change:
> We should not already on the main page scare off potential contributors.
> They should decide it while reading the respective pages.
> And it should also address "Hey, I found a typo."
>> Please revert the heading to “Developing the Documentation.”
> If you still think, it should be reverted, address it to gnucash-devel.
>> Thanks,
>> David
> Regards
> Frank
> <pEpkey.asc>

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