
after some time I get back to the gnucash python bindings.

I worked on a str method for GncNumeric. It's in the example_script
dir (https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash/blob/maint/bindings/python/example_scripts/str_methods.py) I changed it to python3. Then I began to wonder about the relationshipp of
the SwigObject and the wrapping object.

In this case it's something like
<gnucash.gnucash_core_c._gnc_numeric; proxy of <Swig Object of type '_gnc_numeric *' at 0x7f11908da840> >
<gnucash.gnucash_core.GncNumeric object at 0x7f118f76d6d8>

When I have the GncNumeric object I can access the SwigObject through its instance property.
The other way round seems not as simple.

My method __gncnumeric__str__ overwrites the __str__ method using add_method.

In this method self points to the swig object. I cannot use the methods of GncNumeric as
it is the layer of the wrapping object.

To access these methods I used to instantiate a GncNumeric(instance=self) as a temporary self.
But that seems not right as this probably already exists.

I wondered if I could know about the wrapping object when I had the instance only. I did not
find a way. I stumbled over an interesting comment in

# why reimpliment __new__? Because later on we're going to
# use new to avoid creating new instances when existing instances
# already exist with the same __instance value, or equivalent __instance
# values, where this is desirable...

I did not find "later on". But if that works I can safely do GncNumeric(instance=self) as it
would reuse the existing GncNumeric object.

But nevertheless I wondered if we could put a link to the GncNumeric in the Swig Level. I tried
(link to my fork)

Interstingly some Swig objects can be added to and some others not. GncNumeric works while
QofSession doesn't. So I made it a try block for now.

Having done that I can get to the GncNumeric (sort of higher self) from the Swig object:

Well I found it interesting to think these things through. Maybe someone can tell me about the mysterious "later on" in the cited comment. At this point I find it useful to have a way from the instance to the wrapping object through some kind of link as I suggested in
the patch to function_class.


Christoph Holtermann
gnucash-devel mailing list

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