Op maandag 30 april 2018 10:07:47 CEST schreef Paul Dest:
> My problem is solved. Due to a hint in the gnucash-de mailing list I
> have identified the needed files and made the changes successfully.
> But still wondering how the *.po files are created. They have very
> regular format and each entry is commented with references to the lines
> in c-files. That does not seem to be coded by the hand; all the *.po
> files would be needed to be rewritten if a line would be inserted in one
> of the c files referenced (what is actually the case with my personal
> changes). Here is an example from de.po to illustrate what I am talking
> about:
> ------------
> #: gnucash/gnome-utils/gnc-tree-model-split-reg.c:2856
> #: gnucash/register/ledger-core/split-register.c:2486
> msgid "Withdraw"
> msgstr "Belastung"
> ------------


That page has additional documentation on how to translate gnucash (for which 
the *.po files are used), gnucash documentation or gnucash account hierarchy 



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