On 06/02/2018 12:10, cicko wrote:
GnuCash - Dev mailing list wrote
for e.g. I am, at the moment, in the process of doing my multiple view
portfolio analysis starting from
which is more or less what envelope budgeting is plus a bit.
Thanks a lot for these links! I was not aware that ledger had asset
This might save some effort in writing gnucash portfolio extensions
(https://github.com/MisterY/gnucash-portfolio). Perhaps I could even
interface to ledger-cli or another ledger client from Python.
A quick question, though - what do you guys use to have an up-to-date
records in ledger? How do you use (or export) GnuCash book into text files
appropriate for ledger?
if you are already using python piecash is a good place to start
I know he used to have a ledger-cli export but I can't find it right
now, probably my fault for looking too quickly.
I don't actually export all of my gnc to ledger for asset allocation, I
just create tx like this
2018-02-03 Buy Fund1
Assets:Broker 1000000 "Fund1" @ 100.00
2018-02-03 Buy Bond2
Assets:Broker 9999999 "Bond2" @ 50.00
using the investment portfolio report as my source.
If I was doing asset allocation monthly or weekly I'd automate it a bit
more using piecash or some handwritten sql
Now I'm thinking how good it would be to have a translation layer that
provides the data from a GnuCash sqlite database to ledger.
piecash should save you a step
P.S. I've just noticed MisterY already knows about piecash, silly me :)
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