Hi everyone


I sent in a patch for AqBanking last week, that has been adopted by Martin 
Preuss meanwhile, fixing a problem where AqBanking truncates non-numeric 
account numbers, leading to problems with the account selection of GnuCash (see 
below for more details).


My question to the GnuCash developers is:  Do you guys update AqBanking with 
every release or do I have to file a bug in order to have the changes in 
AqBanking adopted for GnuCash?


Thank you in advance for your help.





**More details**

After using GnuCash for circa an year now, I frequently had issues importing 
SWIFT exports from my bank (Raiffeisen Schweiz) into GnuCash:

During an initial import for a given account, GnuCash asked me correctly to 
select the proper account for the mt940 file. However after doing so, some (not 
all) SWIFT exports for other accounts have been automatically assigned to this 
GnuCash account too. 


As a work around I started to create a new account and delete the offending one 
while assigning the transactions to the one just created.


Now I finally found the time to dig into this problem and realized that 
AQBanking does not always extract the complete account number from the 

My mt940 files started with the following sequence of records:





Where the line beginning with :25: denotes the account number. As my bank’s 
account numbers are composed in a style like <customerid>.<account>, I had 
multiple accounts starting with “123456” but different digits after the period.


I found that the account number is truncated by AqBanking at the first 
occurrence of a non-numeric character. Hence it whenever GnuCash queried the 
account number, it only got the “customer ID” part, that collides of course 
with multiple accounts.


Martin Preuss added my patch to the master branch of the git repository. 
However I don’t know yet what Martin’s release plan is.

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