NOTE: I won't be adding the individual people in my next reply. If you
want to continue following the discussion, please subscribe to

Indeed, we'll discuss it in gnucash-devel from now on.

As I suggested earlier, although my reply doesn't appear, perhaps we can
keep GTK+ instead of migrating GnuCash entirely to QML.

This is a suggestion based on my personal opinion that the
multi-licensing Qt might be troublesome, specially considering the fact
that this practice of Qt can lead to fostering non-free software
instead. I know that GnuCash will be using the free/libre Qt, but the
next developers and the end users who receive a copy of Qt or
GnuCash-entirely-in-Qt might feel tempted to get the "commercial"
(/sic/) edition of Qt.

This problem of Qt can be countered in GnuCash's side by keeping the
current GNU GPL 2+ license, and fortunatelly, thanks to this, future
developers will have to comply with the license.

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