> On Jun 5, 2016, at 7:16 PM, KP <k...@isonomyus.com> wrote:
> Dear Friends
> Trust all is well and hope you have received the previous mail below.
> Kindly respond soon.  Thanks and regards.
> KP
> US Mobile +1-949-378-5775
> From: KP [mailto:k...@isonomyus.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 24 May, 2016 01:17 PM
> To: gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
> Subject: Developing a version for our region with transactional and other
> features - local languages included ...
> Dear Friends
> Firstly, congratulations and a big thank you all for creating GNU Cash.  A
> wonderful effort and very useful to the society indeed.
> We are a group in India that is interested in developing additional
> features, particularly transactional (i.e. third party tools to access bank
> and other institutional accounts, without going to the websites of the
> institutions directly) and also offering it in local languages.
> We are likely working with partners who are themselves large institutions,
> and the entire group together will decide on the path and the business
> model.  Can you guide us on whether we can use GNU Cash as our core, and if
> we can then modify, add and develop it further for our selling it in our
> region?
> Would appreciate your guidance and help.  Warm regards.

All of that would be fine except for the selling part. GnuCash is licensed 
exclusively under the GNU Public License, version 2 or later, and the 
provisions of that license extend to any derivative work. You'll have to give 
away the source code to your product. 

But all is not lost: Many companies have built successful businesses by selling 
support to open-source software: The largest and best known is Red Hat, Inc. I 
suggest that you study their business model as a possible one for yourselves.

John Ralls

gnucash-devel mailing list

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