> On Feb 27, 2016, at 9:34 AM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be> 
> wrote:
>> I'm really not a distributions expert, but wouldn't Debian for example
>> wait anyway before picking up a version 3.0.0? I thought they would
>> probably stay with the latest stable series anyway.
> True. However there are also the backports. If we stick to a version of gtk+3 
> that's available on 
> debian stable, this will make it a lot easier for package maintainers to 
> provide a backport of a 
> more recent version of gnucash. And so debian stable users can have a choice 
> of the stable 
> version of a more recent one. That's an opportunity we shouldn't miss out on.
> <snip>

Historically we've required that GnuCash master should be buildable on the 
current release of Debian Stable and RHEL/Centos so that users of those distros 
can contribute. IIRC the current RHEL has only gcc-4.5, which doesn't fully 
support C++11, so we're only requiring Debian Stable for master at the moment. 
If there's a compelling feature of a dependency that requires (say) Debian 
Testing to support then we can review that, but in general we don't want to be 
too cutting edge.

As with most policies, this one derives from complaints in the past. This 
policy arose when someone made GnuCash unbuildable for most others by using 
some bleeding-edge API in a dependency.

John Ralls

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