Thu, 30 Apr 2015 00:40:59 <> Ngewi Fet <>

Thanks for the comprehensive feedback :D 
I made some responses inline below:

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 12:04 AM, Wm <>
 Sat, 25 Apr 2015 02:23:06 <>
 Ngewi Fet <>
 My env is:
 Android-x86-4.4-r2 guest
 VirtualBox 4.3.26
 Win 8.1 host
 I can't make sense of the android directory structure in spite of
 the fact that I put it on an ext2 file system that I can mount and
 have a look at under standard Linux

The external storage should be somewhere under sdcard/0 or /mnt/sdcard
depending on your device. It may be different for the emulator you use
as well. 

Not your issue, the vm can't use the guest additions meaning it can't talk to attached drives, shared folders and so on.

I'm guessing in file system terms my gnc file is somewhere in a ramfs or similar, irritating but not insurmountable given some curiosity, what I wanted to do was xfer files between my native disk and the android vm. I'll probably figure it out in a day or so, meanwhile via GDrive is ok-ish for testing.


 I installed the google play version and then the .apk over that but
 it reverted to the google play version.  So I got rid of the google
 play one and installed the apk bare, we (the vm and I) were both
 happier with that.

What do you mean reverted? The install of the new apk did not complete,
or what exactly happens? I'm also very interested in upgrade
experiences especially ones with existing data in the database.

I didn't have any data on the android at all when I started.

By reverted I mean after I installed the apk over the play version and *then* rebooted or shut down and restarted, etc I was back where I was with the google play version not your new apk

 Suggestion: before I figured things out it wasn't clear to me
 whether I was using the pre-beta or the google play version.  I
 missed the equivalent of Help / About or similar which I looked for
 on the menu off to the left that has
 Maybe it is somewhere else on an Android and I just don't know where
 to look

It is found in the Settings -> About. But we will consider adding it to
the navigation drawer menu in the next version.

You are correct.

three-bar-on-the-top-left / settings / [and then it waits a minute or more] / About / Build Version. Is it possible something else on that menu is calling home and the menu doesn't get displayed until the remote master has been contacted? I'm guessing but does the google-master check app validity or something? Clue: my connection to the internet was broken for a while this afternoon and I presumed an app like gnca was self contained. Am I wrong? That could explain why I couldn't see the About then but can now.

 Similarly I don't know which file I am working with on android, in
 desktop I can see whether I'm using ABC.gnca or ABC.xml or
 XYZ.gnucash. Once again it is possible this is very obvious to
 people more familiar with androids and I'm just not seeing it.

No, this information is actually not present and is planned for the
next release. But I will see what I can do to improve display of what
file is in use for this release (at least for files gotten from the SD

I think small things like that may encourage acceptance and use particularly amongst testers who are likely to have more than one file to play with. Perversely, if you get it right the workflow will be more obvious later on.

At the moment I am creating a dummy a/c in Equity so I can check which file I am using.

Which reminds me, how do I get to the top of the accounts tree after I have moved away from it?

If I open a file I see my top level accounts. Problem is once I choose a top level account I can't get back to the top of the account tree. I can navigate up and down but never regain the top. I'm guessing on a real android you sacrifice your first born child and drip their blood in a hand waving way to get it back. I'm too old for that.

   - Scheduled export to SD Card, DropBox or Google Drive
 Didn't try the scheduled.  I went for Drive for storage and it
 worked out OK once I got the android to sync, see above about not
 understanding android directory structure, what dirs am I syncing?
 Where is gnca actually storing files?

GncA creates a directory in your Google Drive with the name of the app
and puts all its files into that folder.

Not here it doesn't. Is it possible you are presuming everyone is using Chrome?

Similarly, DropBox also puts
the files into Apps -> GnuCash Android
You are not syncing a directory, but rather individual files. 
I think we should do something to make the export destination known to
the user. Thanks for highlighting this.

I'm not getting this at all, TBH. My dropbox account puts stuff where I tell it to. Is the fact that the files are coming from an android suddenly going to make it different?

   - Improved creation of backups and restoring of backups
 again, I couldn't work out where the files were
GnuCash Android files are here: /sdcard/0/
But for restoring backups, you do not need to know the path because a
dialog is shown to you listing the files.

*IF* you have an SD Card that is nice.  Where are they otherwise?

 Coming to this fresh (I've just glanced at gnca stuff before) I was
 aware that there were previously some workflow issues.  What you say
 above seems a lot more likely to get people using it.  However in
 practice I found it a bit confusing.

Duly noted. I only highlighted this because it is the developer mailing
list. For normal users, it will be the same as before, just that they
now have an option to explicitly export to XML (a requested feature),
and to schedule regular backups to Google Drive or DropBox.

I'd very much like to see how people integrate the transactions, a theoretical example would be fine.

 I would appreciate a workflow example along the lines of
 Use existing desktop file
 xfer to android
 do stuff on android
 xfer back
 pick up with new transactions
 saying where the files were at each stage.
   Each time you save, a new file is
   created but the workflow is possible.
 I don't have a Save or Save As, if everyone else has one would they
 mind telling me where to find it?

An improved workflow is planned for the next release and that should
improve the sync feature's usefulness for most users. For now there is
no Save, or Save As... Just import/export as has always been. 

OK, maybe I've misunderstood altogether.

   GnuCash Android also registers itself
   to open .gnucash files.
 Are you sure about that? Once again it is possible I don't speak
 android well enough but do you perhaps mean .gnca rather than
 .gnucash ?  I'm also not sure what happens with compressed files, it
 is possible my vm doesn't have auto unzip and real android devices

Yes, GnuCash should be in the list of possible apps to open those files
with, when you try to open such a file from, say, Google Drive by
clicking on it. The app registers for both .gnca and .gnucash.
The app handles both compressed and uncompressed XML files just fine.
You don't need to do anything extra.

.gnucash files are greyed out here, if I rename them I can open them and choose the application.

   All the same, I am excited that we have arrived this point and
   continue to
   look forward to new features and further integration with GnuCash
   So please try out this pre-release and tell me what you think.
 I think I wasn't designed for Android :)

Keep using it and it will grow on you!
Thanks for taking the time to test and write up your experiences.

You are most welcome, I'm not sure I'm a good candidate in general as typing and pointing and clicking is more natural to me than swiping and waving.

Is the decimal set to "," ? I'm used to "." for decimal. As someone who has used calculating machines I am used to using either 23[spot] or 23[00] but not being forced to type to the least significant decimal when dealing with whole numbers.


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