Hi David,

at first my congrats to your first accepted patch! :-)

Am 28.01.2015 um 17:57 schrieb David T.:
> On the renumbering, I note that gnucash-guide.xml has ENTITY
> definitions for each chapter, linking them to specific files.
> Changing these won’t be a major problem at this level, but I don’t
> understand the internals of DocBook to know whether any cross
> references in the individual files will require attention if the
> sequence changes.

If you compare
with http://code.gnucash.org/docs/de/gnucash-guide/
you can see &chapter16; (ch_oth_assets) expanded to "7. Andere Aktiva"
because a bunch of chapters are marked as still untranslated comments.
So Docbook will renumber the chapters.

But it might help the translators, if you e.g. are inserting the missing
ch_online_banking.xml before the business stuff to renumber the
variables and add a comment:

<!ENTITY chapter12 SYSTEM "ch_online_banking.xml"> <!-- New in 2.6.6
(2015) -->
<!ENTITY chapter13 SYSTEM "ch_bus_ar.xml">

Oops, I just see, your are not annually depreciating the value of your
private owned house and car? That might become dangerous. ;-)

If you run 'grep -ni "<xref " *.xml' in guide/C it will show you the
symbolic 'linkend's which are in use - the names of their respective
text sections, not the variable names.


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