-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello,
Am 24.12.2014 um 10:20 schrieb Marcus Wellnitz: > > Hello Dimity, > > we discussed that at the german mailinglist more than once ;-) > > I have made solution wirth python-bindings and latex for my invoices and > the output is much better. > https://github.com/mwellnitz/gnucash-latex/ > https://github.com/mwellnitz/gnucash-latex/wiki > Actually I have a problem with the python-bindings (Error) but that's > maybe only at my system. > Texts are in german, sorry :-( so maybe It's not so helpful for you? > > Also Chistoph made his solution: > > https://github.com/c-holtermann/gnucash/tree/python-kvp this is temporary. KVP-access via Python is not intended by the core developers. I just wanted to access company data this way. I'm trying to get access by creating a company object in https://github.com/c-holtermann/gnucash/tree/Company Still needs a lot of work. latex invoices using jinja2 templating system have been accepted for master. It's gncinvoice_jinja.py which works fine for me. And I hope to find some time to join Marcus and my approaches. Marcus - why don't you create a fork of gnucash ? I think that way it would be easier to compare our versions of files like latex_invoices.py. Or is it maybe possible in git to have a fork of just one directory ? Maybe the example-scripts directory ? Or is it even possible to just link in one file ? > > As time is limited it's impossible for us to improve or even merge our > solutions but if the gnucash core-team will support any new solution we > will participate in that project. > > I wish you a happy christmas > > Marcus regards and merry christmas Christoph > > Am 24.12.2014 um 10:22 schrieb Dmitry Pavlov: > > A brief search through list did not bring any results, so I decided to > > start a new one. > > > First of all: no offence but most gnucash reports are poorly implemented. > > It's not because they useless or looks not pretty (most of them are useful > > and good, calm down :)) . The reason is that a model (i.e. data of the > > report) is completely messed up with the view (html tags) in report > > generation code + html creation tag by tag is really outdated now, there > > are more proper tools like templates for that. > > > Of course it's a really huge work to rewrite that completely in more > > model-view style or rewrite that in different language. > > > So I have idea: Gnucash already have an infrustructure of invoking scheme > > reports, saving settings, etc. > > What about implementing some "wrapper" report that can just invoke some > > script (for example that use python bindings). In it's settings we can > > point to specific script and all guile invocation would just > > 1. include execution of that script with passing parameters from options > > 2. grab output that is supposed to be report content (html for now) and > > include that as it's own result > > > In that case we can have one more language to implement reports, because > > scheme is not so popular now, and many people find it not so easy to use, > > especially when we are talking about reporting :) > > > I'm not sure that I can implement all that stuff myself, but if someone > > find that idea good enough I'll be glad to discuss that and collaborate to > > implement that wrapper script. > > > > - -- - --- Nachricht gesendet von C. Holtermann --- - - - - - Verschlüsselte Nachrichten können über - - - den öffentlichen Schlüssel auf folgendem - - - Keyserver an mich gesendet werden: - http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x4DD9CF0482B0620B -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) iEYEARECAAYFAlScQmsACgkQTdnPBIKwYgv8RACgkZIInY0oxRlzIxlmWDQg9gwE G4QAn3dY6MNDFNmPtjAdUXjTtlJQuSA1 =HhGN -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ gnucash-devel mailing list gnucash-devel@gnucash.org https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-devel