On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 11:12 PM, Aaron Laws <dartm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Chenxiong Qi <qcxh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to convert provider_list in qofsession.cpp to std::list.
>> Make a small change (step) to C++. What do you say? :)
> Is this your first forray into contributing to gnucash (C or C++)? I think
> the hope is that qofsession will become 'class QofSessionImpl' or something
> like that, but I don't know that part of the code yet. It is probably a
> useful exercise for yourself to go ahead and do what you propose even if
> you're not interested in going "whole-hog" yet. I wouldn't hold your breath
> that this would be accepted, though (I don't do the accepting, by the way),
> because a global std::list may not be seen as an improvement in itself ^_^ .
> You asked "What do you say?", and this is what I say. Do keep in mind that I
> don't make any decisions like this for GnuCash development :-)
> In Christ,
> Aaron Laws

Hi Aaron,

I just noticed the provider_list during going through the code in
libqof/qof , and I think it might be a small and quick change to the
migration. A global provider_list seems not a good solution indeed.
emm.. what I mentioned in the first mail is really not a good idea,
ignore it. :)

Chenxiong Qi

A Python developer living in Beijing
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