On Sep 8, 2014, at 5:31 AM, Christian Stimming <christ...@cstimming.de> wrote:

> Zitat von John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us>:
>>> recently I noticed the "trans-retrieval" slot in the aqbanking account 
>>> doesn't
>>> remember its value.
>> Christian,
>> Yeah, fixed and pushed, e210f8c.
>> The difference was that your test used the defective accessor function and 
>> mine used qof_instance_get directly with the right parameter type (Timespec 
>> ** instead of Timespec *).
> Ah, the wonders of zero compile-time checks of variable argument lists in C...
> Thanks a lot for fixing this!

It's not C's fault; C compiler's know the difference between pointers and 
pointers-to-pointers and how to raise type errors. It's GValue's conversion of 
everything to void* that defeats the type checking.

John Ralls

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