That changes was already merged to master branch, maybe commit SHA would be
15.07.2014 0:20 пользователь "Carsten Rinke" <> написал:

> Hi Dmitry,
> this is perfect news just at the right time, because I was starting to
> look into the exact same thing.
> This topic is already reported in Bugzilla as
> *Bug 729955* <>
> -Enhancement request date range for the budget report
> for which I wanted to prepare a solution proposal as a patch, but I did
> not get any further than studying the code up to now.
> Can we put your solution into bugzilla as a patch, instead?
> If you want me to I can help with that ...
> Kind regards,
> Carsten
> On 07/14/2014 09:27 AM, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:
>> Hi Peter!
>> I've made modifications for this report to allow use ranges. It really
>> improve readability. This changes in master branch already, but
>> unfortunately they will not be released until next major of gnucash (merge
>> was done after support branch of 2.6.x was made)
>> You can read about changes here:
>> It
>> also tells how to apply this changes locally.
>> I also thought about similiar changes (column freezes) but I set aside
>> this
>> activity because it leads to great rework of table generation code (if we
>> want to do it properly), starting from good old refactoring and duplicates
>> removal.
>> 2014-07-14 10:27 GMT+04:00 Herbert Thoma <
>> >:
>>  Dear Peter,
>>> although I did the cash-flow report, I don't know much scheme either.
>>> It was mostly copying from other reports and lots of try and error ;-).
>>> Please ask your questions on the gnucash-devel mailing list (CC'ed).
>>> See for how to subscribe.
>>> Best,
>>>   Herbert.
>>> Am 13.07.2014 13:16, schrieb Peter:
>>>  Hi Chris,
>>>> I wonder if you could help me as I’m getting quite stuck! I’ve been
>>>> using
>>>> GnuCash for a few years now and am a Delphi/C# developer with a very
>>>> small
>>>> amount of Python and unix exposure. I am trying to create a Budget
>>>> Period
>>>> Report, based on your Budget Report in GnuCash, budget.scm, based on
>>>> Herbert Thoma's cash-flow.scm.
>>>> My problem is that I have 12 periods in my budget, one for each month of
>>>> the tax year. However, when I run the budget report, the columns go way
>>>> off
>>>> the edge of the screen, and I can’t see which accounts the figures are
>>>> referring to, without having to export to OpenOffice spreadsheet and
>>>> freeze
>>>> the account name column (excel for mac doesn’t like the export for some
>>>> reason).
>>>> So I created a budget-period.scm copied from budget.scm. Well I got as
>>>> far as adding the report to the budget menu (putting it in the standard
>>>> reports folder, changing the GUID and the report name), and adding the
>>>> period option into the options general tab (by copying the option code
>>>> from
>>>> budget-flow.scm) - see screenshots below.
>>>> But I then got lost in the code, not really knowing Scheme (I did study
>>>> LISP in varsity 20 years ago and can remember car cdr and cons, and have
>>>> managed to get Scheme Petite going in a terminal window).
>>>> I think the easiest way would be to limit periodList to the period I am
>>>> looking for somehow, but I can’t seem to figure it all out from the
>>>> Scheme
>>>> scripting no matter how many times I read it or do google searches. Any
>>>> pointers?
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Peter Templin
>>>> Johannesburg, South Africa.
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