Here's a demo of described features. Styles are still TBD, just wanted to
show functionality.

This is an exported budget report. I fixed table layout, added datatables
and turned on: header and column fix, search field, row selection.

2014-03-30 22:54 GMT+04:00 Dmitry Pavlov <>:

> I've performed research about tables enhancement.
> At first I'd like to list some of features that seems useful to me:
> 1. Fixed headers and first column. Good for large tables, greatly improve
> visibility and usability
> 2. Table search. Add input to dynamically filter table rows.
> 3.  Row selection. Can be used to highlight row(s) and do not depend on
> mouse position.
> If you have additional ideas, tell me.
> Now, I'd like to describe current state of gnucash tables.
> It's not possible to just add some javascript lib (i've researched
> appliance of datatables as a lib with a lot of features) and add all this
> features. Here is the identified list of current problems:
> 1. Tables are not properly formatted, There is no thead and tbody tags
> around headers and data rows. Fixed
> 2. Many reports do not use headers to format table headers. Instead they
> use first rows in table body. This affects the "fixed header" feature, so
> the first step is to move headers to proper place. But #3 blocks this change
> 3. Current headers implementation support only one header row, I do not
> know why, but handling of headers and body has different implementation,
> although the differ only in column tags and wrapping tag.
> So the first step is proper implementation of table headers, to make them
> as functional as main data, after that it's possible to include js lib and
> add options to turn on features and after that changes start to fix reports
> (move headers to thead section and add "enhanced features" management to
> report options dialog.
> 2014-03-21 23:54 GMT+04:00 Dmitry Pavlov <>:
> Ok, thanks for your feedback.
>> First of all, I'll make some research and a proof of concept to test
>> overall idea. I want to find a suitable library at first. Currently looking
>> at
>> 2014-03-21 19:51 GMT+04:00 Derek Atkins <>:
>> Hi,
>>> Dmitry Pavlov <> writes:
>>> > Hello,
>>> >
>>> > Does anyone plan to improve tables representation in reports?
>>> Currently all
>>> > the tables are pretty simple and they are not very convinient to use
>>> on a
>>> > large number of columns and rows. As an example, there is no row/column
>>> > fixation feature.
>>> > I think that using some js library would be a good way to improve
>>> generated
>>> > reports especially for view inside gnucash (without exporting to html
>>> or
>>> > pdf), like it was with graphs, when adding jqplot make them to look
>>> cool.
>>> >
>>> > If this is not in progress now and not on roadmap, please provide your
>>> > thoughts about this suggestion, because I'm thinking about that for a
>>> while
>>> > and ready to try implementing it.
>>> Sounds like a great project.  Let us know how we can help you, and we
>>> look forward to your patches!
>>> -derek
>>> --
>>>        Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
>>>        Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
>>>        URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
>>>                        PGP key available
>> --
>> С уважением,
>> Дмитрий Павлов
> --
> С уважением,
> Дмитрий Павлов

С уважением,
Дмитрий Павлов
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