Am 12.01.2014 20:22, schrieb Henning Jacobs:
> Hi,
> I recently discovered the great Python bindings and just updated
> to contain pointers to my
> scripts.
> Now my questions:
> * GncPrice does not contain a proper __init__, therefore I monkey
> patched it:
> --- What's the best way to make a patch request for the original GnuCash
> Python bindings?
> * Are there any other known/major users of the Python bindings?
I use them on a regular basis to import my onlinebanking data.


Christoph Holtermann
> * Who is maintaining the Python bindings and is there any roadmap to
> improve them?
> IMHO the Python bindings are a really great way of enhancing the GnuCash
> functionality without having to code C/C++ (I would not be very
> productive with it...)
> I will properly write more code in the near future using the Python
> bindings --- I would also gladly help extending/improving the current
> code base and/or documentation :-)
> - Henning
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