Am Samstag, 18. Mai 2013, 11:28:05 schrieb John Ralls:
> On May 18, 2013, at 10:47 AM, Geert Janssens <> 
> > Let me try again. It seems my mailer or the list manager has serious
> > issues with to html formatted mails. I don't even see my own answer in
> > the previous mail... Were others able to read it ?
> > 
> > So what I basically replied was this:
> > Those are mostly fine with me. I was considering making general a
> > separated dummy. And I wouldn't make a separate dummy for business.
> > Business is part of the core code for a while already.
> The other reply came through OK, but I would be seeing the version sent me
> directly rather than through the list.
> I don't have any trouble with putting business in with core,  but looking
> through the "General" bugs it seems that most of them apply to the core
> code, with a few UI and a few that affect both, so ISTM little would be
> gained by separating it.
> Anyone else have an opinion?

The proposed ids are fine. Thanks for picking up this issue again.

The point I didn't understand here is this: How do we get the link from the id 
address to actual people again? Do I need to "subscribe" any of the id address 
to receive the email? Or does it rather work like a mailing list where I have 
to subscribe somewhere else? It seems to me I have missed the explanation of 
how this would actually work... sorry :-)

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